Contact Us

Nikolaos P. Nikolaidis
(Lab Director)
Phone: +30-28210-37785
Fax: +30-28210-37847
E-mail: Nikolaos P. Nikolaidis

H.E.R.S. Lab,
Environmental Eng. Dept., 
Technical University of Crete, 
73100, Chania, Crete, Greece


SOILTREC - Soil Transformations in European Catchments

soiltrecThe aims of SoilTrEC are to address the priority research areas identified in the European Union Soil Thematic Strategy and to provide leadership for a global network of Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) committed to soil research. The specific objectives are: to describe from 1st principles how specific soil parameters, e.g. soil structure, influence processes and functions of soil covers; to establish 4 EU CZOs; develop a CZ Integrated Model of soil processes and function; create a GIS‐based modelling framework to delineate soil threats and assess mitigation at EU scale; quantify impacts of changing land use, climate and biodiversity on soil function and economic value; form with international partners a global network of CZOs for soil research; deliver a programme of public outreach and research transfer on soil T



CHARM - Chromium in Asopos Groundwater System: Remediation Technologies and Measures

charmAsopos river basin is located at the Region of Sterea Ellada and the River Basin District of East Sterea Ellada (RBD07). The groundwater system of Asopos presents high concentrations of chromium and hexavalent chromium and as a result there is an increased public concern, since part of the groundwater is used for water abstraction for human consumption and most of it for irrigation purposes. One interesting issue related to the groundwater quality of the specific groundwater system is related to the possible increased natural levels of chromium in the water, which makes it a more difficult task to tackle, with respect to the determination of rational threshold values (TVs) and proposal of appropriate remediation technologies and measures. The main objectives of the project are:


  • Evaluation of the effect of soil and groundwater properties and their contribution to high Cr (VI) natural background level (NBL)
  • Evaluation of the effect of high NBL (natural background level) of chromium and hexavalent chromium to the determination of the respective TVs.
  • Development of a rational methodology for the determination of threshold values (TV) considering the guidelines of Annex II of the GWD that could be adopted and applied in other parts of Greece and the EU.
  • Identification of activities related to pollution with chromium and estimation of the generated loads and their transport until entering the aquatic environment.
  • Demonstration of different technologies for remediation of groundwater bodies experiencing high concentrations of chromium and hexavalent chromium.
  • Establishment of a programme of measures (PoM) for the river basin of Asopos, which will involve the implementation of the most efficient technologies for chromium removal, supplementary administrative and legal instruments, for which active participation of stakeholders is anticipated.
  • Achievement of a social agreement on water resources management and protection.
  • The exploitation of European best practices and know-how on water resources management with emphasis to the implementation of the Groundwater Directive.



CONDENSE - The Condense Managing System: Production of Novel Fertilizers from Manure and Olive Mill Wastewater

condenseDemonstrate a Manure and Olive Mill Wastewater Managing System, which allows the utilisation of specific characteristics of these wastes, transforming their mixture, into a high nutrient containing end-product, which can be safely and easily used, in all ranges of agriculture and horticulture, replacing in a significant scale (if not completely) inorganic chemical fertilisation. This final NEW PRODUCT will:


  • contain Nitrogen, in an inorganic form, in more than 20 % d.w. (more than 25 % in all forms),
  • contain Phosphorus, in an inorganic form, in more than 8 % d.w. (more than 10 % in all forms),
  • contain Potassium, in an inorganic form, in more than 20 % d.w. (more than 25 % in all forms),
  • be free of odours and pathogens as well as other phytotoxic molecules,
  • contain less than 15 % (preferably less than 10 %) moisture,
  • be shaped in a size and texture, that can be easily bagged, transported and applied similarly to chemical fertilisers,
  • have a carbon and environmental footprint (considerably) smaller to the existing inorganic fertilisers, and have a low production cost.


MIRAGE - Mediterranean Intermittent River ManAGEment

mirageThe implementation of the WFD in catchments with temporary rivers presents a significant challenge for watershed managers. The MIRAGE project will, for the first time, comprehensively investigate the applicability of specific management options under the characteristic flush and drought conditions of temporary streams. Through investigations in seven basins, MIRAGE will provide a framework for managing the many Mediterranean water bodies dominated by temporary waters. MIRAGE will deploy a multi-scale approach to improve understanding of temporary river responses to hydrologic, biogeochemical and sediment transport events. The principal research and project objectives of MIRAGE are to (1) provide an applicable and transferable set of reference conditions for temporary streams, specifically linking terrestrial and aquatic ecology; (2)  determine effects of dry periods on accumulation and transformation of nutrients, sediments and hazardous substances on land and in river channels, at selected sites with test catchments. (3) specify and test measures to support achieving good ecological and water quality status including the integration of up- and downstream management. This will be done initially for the two mirror basins Candelaro (Italy) and Evrotas (Greece) in close cooperation with local water management organisations; (4) support the implementation of the WFD and the development of strategies for integrated water resources management for Mediterranean river basins, generalising from the Mirror Basins on the basis of modern ecohydrology concepts, in the context of characterising runoff regimes and flood responses on a regional basis. Five other Mediterranean catchments, including one in Morocco, will be used as the primary focus for this work; The transfer of experience and the establishment of common guidelines is then seen as a significant support for WFD implementation across the region.
